All Elevators are made of high quality steel, are heat treated for strength, and are capacity rated to meet API specifications.
Drilling Technologies > Pipe Handling Tools, Equipment, and Parts > Elevators
LYT Slip Type Elevators 20 ton are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
MYT Slip Type Elevators 40 ton are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
YT Slip Type Elevators 75 ton are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
HYT Slip Type Elevators 75 ton are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
YC Slip Type Elevators 75 ton are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
HYC Slip Type Elevators 200 ton are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
TA-65 Square Shoulder Elevators are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
TA-100 Square Shoulder Elevators are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
MRA Square Shoulder Elevators 150 ton are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
MAA Square Shoulder Elevators 175 ton are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
Single Joint Elevators are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
SLX-65 Side Door Elevators are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
SLX-150 Side Door Elevators are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
SLX-250 Side Door Elevators are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
MG Bottle Neck Elevators are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
RG Bottle Neck Elevators are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications. Available in 150 ton (RG) and 175 ton (RG Large Frame) capacities.
MGG Bottle Neck Elevators are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
GG Bottle Neck Elevators are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
HGG Bottle Neck Elevators are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications
Bushing Style Bottleneck Elevators are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications. Available in 250 ton (MGG) and 350 ton (GG) capacities.
XP-1000 Hydraulic Double Door Elevator are quality, heat-treated steel construction capacity rated to API specifications